German auditors’ summit 2022

Invited by manager magazin and WGMB, the most important players in the industry met at Soho House in Berlin. In presentations, discussions and personal dialogue, the almost 100 guests discussed what drives the industry – from the Wirecard scandal to ESG reporting. In his keynote speech, Martin Wambach, Chairman of the Institute of Public Auditors in Germany (IDW), Managing Director of Rödl & Partner and author of the “Wambach Report”, which sheds light on the role of EY on behalf of the Wirecard Investigation Committee of the German Bundestag, provided deep insights into his work. On the panel, he discussed with Elisabeth Denison (Deloitte), Claudia Kruse (APG), Dirk Schulte-Uebbing (DOSU) and Angelika Werner (Frankfurt School of Finance and Management). mm editor-in-chief Sven Oliver Clausen hosted the day.

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