
Responsible for the content of this website
according to § 55 (2) RStV

Prof. Dr. Dietmar Fink
Bianka Knoblach
Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für
Management und Beratung mbH
Fritz-Schäffer-Straße 1
53113 Bonn

Tel.: +49.228.92129 399

Registered office of the company: Bonn
Commercial registry: Amtsgericht Bonn HRB 9901
Managing Directors: Bianka Knoblach, Prof. Dr. Dietmar Fink
Tax identification number: 205/5756/0435
VAT ID DE222237581

Concept and realisation of the website:
WGMB Digital
Bajorat Media /

Content of the website

This website is created and maintained with great care and high quality standards to the best of our knowledge and belief. Nevertheless, all information on this website is not legally binding. We do not take over any guarantee for their actuality, correctness, completeness or quality. Liability claims against us as publisher, which refer to material or immaterial damage caused by the use or non-use of the information provided or by the use of incorrect or incomplete information, are strictly excluded, unless there is evidence of wilful intent or gross negligence on our part.

All offers are subject to change and non-binding. Parts of the pages or the complete website including all offers and information might be extended, changed or partly or completely deleted by the author without separate announcement.

References and links

Our website contains links to external websites of third parties on whose contents we have no influence. Therefore, we cannot assume any liability for these external contents. The respective provider or operator of the pages is always responsible for the contents of the linked pages. The linked pages were checked for possible legal infringements at the time of linking. Illegal contents were not recognisable at the time of linking. A permanent control of the contents of the linked pages is not reasonable without concrete evidence of an infringement. As soon as we become aware of any legal infringements, we will remove such links immediately.

Copyright and trademark law

In all publications we endeavour to observe the copyrights of the graphics, sound documents, video sequences and texts used, to use graphics, sound documents, video sequences and texts created by ourselves or to make use of licence-free graphics, sound documents, video sequences and texts. Should there be any unintentional infringement of a copyright on our website, despite all due care, please inform us accordingly. We will immediately remove the complained area or the picture in question from our website.

All brands and trademarks mentioned within our Internet offer are subject without restriction to the provisions of the applicable trademark law and the ownership rights of the respective registered owners. The mere fact that a trademark is mentioned should not lead to the conclusion that it is not protected by the rights of third parties.

The copyright for published objects created by us remains solely with us as the publisher. Any duplication or use of objects such as diagrams, sounds or texts in other electronic or printed publications is not permitted without the publisher’s agreement.


– Video: ThemePunch OHG
– What we do (tools): Fleur Treurniet via
– What we put on paper (books): Patrick Tomasso via
– What we explore (puzzle): Hans Peter Gauster via
– We say thank you (piano player): Orania Berlin

– Header (glasses):
– 01.07.2024 (Personen): compamedia GmbH
– 22.03.2024 (D. Fink, M.E. Molwitz, B. Knoblach, L.M. Würz, C. Rasche): Robert Günther
– 21.03.2024 (people): Robert Günther
– 13.02.2024 (D. Fink and B. Knoblach): Robert Günther
– 12.01.2024 (people): Robert Günther
– 23.06.2023 (people): KD Busch
– 09.01.2023 (Emmanuel Macron): Michel Euler/AP via NZZ.
– 26.08.2022 (people): Lea Meienberg via BILANZ
– 11.07.2022 (newspaper): WGMB GmbH / Handelsblatt
– 24.06.2022 (people): WGMB GmbH
– 08.06.2022 (grafic): manager magazin
– 21.05.2022 (impressions): Robert Günther
– 24.03.2022 (impressions): WGMB GmbH / manager magazin
– 24.03.2022 (J.O. Würz, D. Fink, B. Knoblach, C. Rasche and M.E. Molwitz): Robert Günther
– 20.01.2022 (H. Ahlers): Jana Mai/DER SPIEGEL via manager magazin
– 16.12.2021 (D. Fink and B. Knoblach): Tobias Koch
– 07.12.2021 (C. Wulff): Rainer Jensen
– 21.01.2021 (B. Knoblach and D. Fink): redphoto
– 09.03.2020 (D. Fink): ProSieben
– 09.01.2020 (people): Karla Newton via Studio Monbijou
– 21.12.2019 (D. Fink): Karla Newton via Studio Monbijou
– 21.12.2019 (D. Fink and B. Knoblach): Karla Newton via Studio Monbijou
– 22.03.2019 (people): Bert Bostelmann via manager magazin
– 22.02.2019 (C. Kratz): Oliver Reuther/WirtschaftsWoche via manager magazin
– 22.02.2019 (F. Wenger and D. Kessler): Lea Meienberg via BILANZ
– 21.01.2019 (D. Fink and A. Börsch): WGMB GmbH
– 27.08.2018 (B. Knoblach and D. Fink): Martin Kittner
– 29.06.2018 (D. Fink, B. Knoblach and C. Wulff): Rainer Jensen
– 01.03.2018 (D. Fink): Graham Trott
– 11.01.2018 (people): Hendrik Schneller
– 21.12.2017 (D. Fink and B. Knoblach): Stefanos Notopoulos
– 14.08.2017 (C. Rasche, D. Fink and B. Knoblach): Martin Kittner
– 23.06.2017 (audience): KD Busch
– 13.04.2017 (D. Fink): WGMB GmbH
– 22.09.2017 (B. Knoblach): WGMB GmbH
– 24.06.2016 (robot): KD Busch
– 26.06.2015 (people): KD Busch
– 27.06.2014 (R. Berger): KD Busch
– 17.03.2012 (people): WirtschaftsWoche
– 25.03.2011 (D. Fink and B. Knoblach): Stefan Obermeier
– 26.07.2010 (D. Fink and B. Knoblach): Graham Trott
– 30.04.2010 (W. Sinn and U. Ungeheuer): Stefan Obermeier
– 24.01.2009 (gala): Wirtschaftsclub Rhein-Main e.V.
– 19.01.2008 (award ceremony): Wirtschaftsclub Rhein-Main e.V.
– 21.01.2007 (Alte Oper): Wirtschaftsclub Rhein-Main e.V.

Our Studies:
– Header (big data): ev über
– Header leading consultants (typewriter): WGMB GmbH
– Header individual studies (explore): Andrew Neel via
– Header FAQ: Evan Dennis via

Our rankings:
– Header (sparkler): Cristian Escobar via
– Background: Sharon McCutcheon via

Our books:
– Header (books): WGMB GmbH

Our articles:
– Header (magazines): WGMB GmbH

Management research:
– Header (people): Ian Schneider via
– Background: Joel Filipe via

Consulting research:
– Header (people): Ian Schneider via
– Background: Joel Filipe via

More about us:
– Header (bird): Benjamin Lambert via
– Portrait 1 (B. Knoblach): Scott Redinger-Libolt
– Portrait 2 (D. Fink): Scott Redinger-Libolt
– D. Fink standing: Stefanos Notopoulos
– B. Knoblach standing: Stefanos Notopoulos

– Header (phone): Adria Berrocal Forcada via
– Video: Warner Music Group / Rhino Warner

– Header (graffiti): Matias Rengel via

Privacy policy:
– Header (cameras): Scott Webb via

– Header (skyline Berlin): via Vanameland