Tackling the Corona crisis: the advice of the best consultants

By WGMB / 8. April 2020
How do companies get out of the Corona crisis in good shape? We asked the "hidden champions" of the consulting industry for their expertise. Hardly anyone knows the everyday problems and structural details of the German corporate sector as well as the members of this network. Together with the business magazine Capital, we have compiled their advice in a compendium. The result is a treasure trove of very precise tips and instructions for looking far ahead. Exactly what companies, entrepreneurs and managers need in the crisis.
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Germany’s best auditors 2020

By WGMB / 19. March 2020
Consulting instead of assurance - hardly any other industry has changed as profoundly as that of auditors. In our new study with manager magazin, we show where the path will lead in the coming years. And we show the strengths and weaknesses of the major players in the auditing industry. On this basis, we have awarded Germany's best auditors for 2020 and, for the first time, we have also identified the best universities for the auditing profession. The first place goes to the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management.
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Documentary about McKinsey at Galileo

By WGMB / 9. March 2020
The TV magazine Galileo asked Professor Dietmar Fink to support a report on McKinsey as an industry expert with background information and comments. Despite small mistakes in the presentation of McKinsey's history, an insightful and entertaining look behind the scenes of the world's leading management consultant.
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Postponed: German Auditors’ Meeting 2020

By WGMB / 23. February 2020
The German Auditors' Meeting 2020 scheduled for March 19 has to be postponed to the second half of the year due to the corona virus. Together with manager magazin, we will then celebrate the auditing industry's leading companies at the Staatsoper unter den Linden in Berlin. This year, Matthias Schulz, Director of the Staatsoper, Martin Plendl, CEO of Deloitte, Petra Raspels, Head of People & Organisation of PwC, Nils Stieglitz, President and Managing Director of the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, and other distinguished speakers will focus on one topic in particular: Talent Management. Take a look back at the 2019 meeting here.
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Interview with Handelsblatt

By WGMB / 16. January 2020
In an interview with Bert Fröndhoff of Handelsblatt, Professor Dietmar Fink comments on current market developments in the consulting industry and the growing power of the leading consultancies.
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The night of the Consulting Champions 2020

By WGMB / 9. January 2020
In Berlin, WGMB celebrated Germany's best specialist consultants together with the business magazine Capital and Professor Christoph Rasche from the University of Potsdam. In a private atmosphere existing networks were cultivated, new contacts were made, serious topics were discussed and good ideas were developed into even better ones.
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Why does the government need management consultants?

By WGMB / 21. December 2019
Consultants are in good business with government agencies, ministries and other state institutions. In 2018, the German government alone spent at least 175 million euros of taxpayers' money on external consulting. Is this money well invested? This was the topic of a discussion hosted by Geli Hensolt on SWR2 Forum with Professor Dietmar Fink, Elke Benning-Rohnke and Dr. Gerhard Schick.
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Interview on

By WGMB / 21. December 2019
In an interview with Lutz Meier from the business magazine Capital, Bianka Knoblach and Dietmar Fink discuss the current challenges faced by small and large consulting firms.
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The Hidden Champions 2020

By WGMB / 19. December 2019
The consulting industry is dominated by a few large consulting companies. About a quarter of the approximately 36 billion Euro turnover on the German consulting market is generated by 25 of the 16,000 companies - led by the big three: McKinsey, Boston Consulting Group and Bain & Company. But when it comes to the quality of consulting, small, specialized firms sometimes outstrip the big ones. The magazine Capital reports on the new edition of our study on the hidden champions of the consulting market.
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Consulting in the healthcare sector

By WGMB / 26. November 2019
The digital transformation and the very specific market structures of the healthcare industry call for differentiated consulting approaches. Together with Professor Christoph Rasche from the University of Potsdam and other experts, Bianka Knoblach and Dietmar Fink highlight the topic areas and success factors in healthcare consulting projects in a new book.
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German SME Summit 2019

By WGMB / 28. June 2019
For the tenth time, on the occasion of the 6th German SME Summit in the Jahrhunderthalle in Frankfurt, together with former Federal President Christian Wulff and over 1,200 guests, we honoured the best consultants for SMEs. This year again, Linda Zervakis, the charming Tagesschau spokeswoman, led through the evening.
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German auditors’ meeting in Frankfurt am Main

By WGMB / 22. March 2019
Invited by manager magazin and WGMB, "Germany's best auditors" met in Frankfurt. In presentations, debates and personal discussions, more than 90 guests explored what moves the industry and how artificial intelligence is changing the auditing profession.
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Germany’s best auditors 2019

By WGMB / 21. March 2019
For decades, the Big Four controlled everything in the world of auditors. But for PwC, EY, KPMG and Deloitte, the former core business is developing into a sideline; they are growing primarily thanks to their advisory services. In a study with manager magazin and Professor Christoph Rasche from the University of Potsdam, we uncover the strengths and weaknesses of the most important players in the industry - and award Germany's best auditors.
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Interview on the benefits of consultants on SWR Aktuell

By WGMB / 1. March 2019
What do consultants really achieve? When does it make sense to bring in external expertise? In an interview with Andreas Herrler from SWR Aktuell, Prof. Fink discusses the benefits of consulting assignments in politics and industry.
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Article on public sector consulting in manager magazin

By WGMB / 22. February 2019
The affair of questionable public contracts is giving the consulting industry an unfortunate debate. Over three billion euros were spent last year by public bodies on consultants. In manager magazin, Dietmar Student picks up on our market figures and confronts BCG Germany CEO Carsten Kratz with unpleasant questions.
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How do companies get out of the Corona crisis in good shape? We asked the "hidden champions" of the consulting industry for their expertise. Hardly anyone knows the everyday problems and structural details of the German corporate sector as well as the members of this network. Together with the business magazine Capital, we have compiled their advice in a compendium. The result is a treasure trove of very precise tips and instructions for looking far ahead. Exactly what companies, entrepreneurs and managers need in the crisis.
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Consulting instead of assurance - hardly any other industry has changed as profoundly as that of auditors. In our new study with manager magazin, we show where the path will lead in the coming years. And we show the strengths and weaknesses of the major players in the auditing industry. On this basis, we have awarded Germany's best auditors for 2020 and, for the first time, we have also identified the best universities for the auditing profession. The first place goes to the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management.
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The TV magazine Galileo asked Professor Dietmar Fink to support a report on McKinsey as an industry expert with background information and comments. Despite small mistakes in the presentation of McKinsey's history, an insightful and entertaining look behind the scenes of the world's leading management consultant.
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The German Auditors' Meeting 2020 scheduled for March 19 has to be postponed to the second half of the year due to the corona virus. Together with manager magazin, we will then celebrate the auditing industry's leading companies at the Staatsoper unter den Linden in Berlin. This year, Matthias Schulz, Director of the Staatsoper, Martin Plendl, CEO of Deloitte, Petra Raspels, Head of People & Organisation of PwC, Nils Stieglitz, President and Managing Director of the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, and other distinguished speakers will focus on one topic in particular: Talent Management. Take a look back at the 2019 meeting here.
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By WGMB / 16. January 2020

Interview with Handelsblatt

In an interview with Bert Fröndhoff of Handelsblatt, Professor Dietmar Fink comments on current market developments in the consulting industry and the growing power of the leading consultancies.
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In Berlin, WGMB celebrated Germany's best specialist consultants together with the business magazine Capital and Professor Christoph Rasche from the University of Potsdam. In a private atmosphere existing networks were cultivated, new contacts were made, serious topics were discussed and good ideas were developed into even better ones.
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Consultants are in good business with government agencies, ministries and other state institutions. In 2018, the German government alone spent at least 175 million euros of taxpayers' money on external consulting. Is this money well invested? This was the topic of a discussion hosted by Geli Hensolt on SWR2 Forum with Professor Dietmar Fink, Elke Benning-Rohnke and Dr. Gerhard Schick.
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By WGMB / 21. December 2019

Interview on

In an interview with Lutz Meier from the business magazine Capital, Bianka Knoblach and Dietmar Fink discuss the current challenges faced by small and large consulting firms.
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By WGMB / 19. December 2019

The Hidden Champions 2020

The consulting industry is dominated by a few large consulting companies. About a quarter of the approximately 36 billion Euro turnover on the German consulting market is generated by 25 of the 16,000 companies - led by the big three: McKinsey, Boston Consulting Group and Bain & Company. But when it comes to the quality of consulting, small, specialized firms sometimes outstrip the big ones. The magazine Capital reports on the new edition of our study on the hidden champions of the consulting market.
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The digital transformation and the very specific market structures of the healthcare industry call for differentiated consulting approaches. Together with Professor Christoph Rasche from the University of Potsdam and other experts, Bianka Knoblach and Dietmar Fink highlight the topic areas and success factors in healthcare consulting projects in a new book.
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By WGMB / 28. June 2019

German SME Summit 2019

For the tenth time, on the occasion of the 6th German SME Summit in the Jahrhunderthalle in Frankfurt, together with former Federal President Christian Wulff and over 1,200 guests, we honoured the best consultants for SMEs. This year again, Linda Zervakis, the charming Tagesschau spokeswoman, led through the evening.
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Invited by manager magazin and WGMB, "Germany's best auditors" met in Frankfurt. In presentations, debates and personal discussions, more than 90 guests explored what moves the industry and how artificial intelligence is changing the auditing profession.
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For decades, the Big Four controlled everything in the world of auditors. But for PwC, EY, KPMG and Deloitte, the former core business is developing into a sideline; they are growing primarily thanks to their advisory services. In a study with manager magazin and Professor Christoph Rasche from the University of Potsdam, we uncover the strengths and weaknesses of the most important players in the industry - and award Germany's best auditors.
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What do consultants really achieve? When does it make sense to bring in external expertise? In an interview with Andreas Herrler from SWR Aktuell, Prof. Fink discusses the benefits of consulting assignments in politics and industry.
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The affair of questionable public contracts is giving the consulting industry an unfortunate debate. Over three billion euros were spent last year by public bodies on consultants. In manager magazin, Dietmar Student picks up on our market figures and confronts BCG Germany CEO Carsten Kratz with unpleasant questions.
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